Monday 14 June 2010

Amy Williams MBE

Tremendous to read that Amy Williams has been recognised in the recent Birthday Honours. Our very own Olympic Gold Medallist recently received the Freedom of the City at a ceremony in Bath - the first woman ever to receive this honour which recognises her outstanding contribution to life in Bath and for her exceptional achievement. Amy trained so hard at the first-class facilities at Bath University, she truly deserves all these accolades. Well done Amy!

Housing targets scrapped

Thank goodness that the new coalition government has thrown out Labour's plans for 2000 houses to be built at South Stoke. There had been no consideration to what local residents thought or the impact on local services and amenities. Hooray for the new government's view that local people and local councils should have the freedom to decide where new housing developments should be built and when they will be needed.

The pressure and campaigning over recent months - including a petition signed by every resident of South Stoke - has been vindicated and democracy has triumphed. Now local people are back in charge of their own communities. The old government had imposed a target of 21K houses to be built by 2026 in B&NES.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Wonderful Wellow!

Looking forward to Wonderful Wellow Week which starts on Friday 18th June. First up at 2.00pm is the flower festival in St Julian's Church which continues for an amazing ten days. There will be a host of events including open gardens, history tours, a concert, a treasure hunt and even a visit from one of Bath's Lions. This is a brilliant example of the community spirit that exists in Wellow and all our villages. Well done to Churchwarden Pauline Preddy whose idea it was to bring together a group of people and get this WWW under way.