Friday, 9 April 2010

Park and Ride lights to be turned off

Wellow Futures, a community group in Wellow, and local Lib Dems hosted an evening showing the film the Age of Stupid last week both in Wellow and at Bathampton Village Hall. It was followed by a far ranging discussion about energy efficiency and moving away from the oil economy.

Gail Coleshill, Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate for North East Somerset, said:

“The film outlines what could happen in the future if people of this generation do not make much more effort to save oil and reduce global warming.

We had an animated discussion about what we could achieve locally and ended with how much more could be done with a bit more Government and Council leadership.”

The group has already chalked up one success. Local resident Jane Rees complained that the lights at the Park and Ride at Odd Down did not need to be on all the time and Cllr Neil Butters (Lib Dem, Bathavon South) promised to find out if they could be altered.

This week he received a reply for the Sustainability Officer at B&NES that the lights would be turned off half an hour after the Park and Ride closed.

Cllr Butters said:

“This is a real achievement for the Council working with local residents to effect energy efficiencies. I am really pleased that we were able to make a real energy saving thanks to the observation of a local resident.”

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